The greatest battle people fight is the battle in their minds. The enemy has blinded the minds of many people from the truth. There is an attempt to convince believers that God will not do what He promised to do. Their minds begin to convince them that God is not faithful to them. The doubt draws them away from the loving covenant Father that He is.
Covenant is the agreement between two parties. The two parties are committed to the relationship. When a person receives Jesus as their Savior, they step into covenant with God who never forgets and never breaks covenant. Yet many times when hard times come, the person walks away from their covenant relationship. God is not that way! God never forgets! He keeps covenant with His people.
God’s people also develop covenant relationships with each other. These relationships are designed to strengthen and support one another in good times and hard times. Too often during hard times, the minds of people convince them that they need to break away from the God-given relationships in their lives. We need to be faithful in our covenant relationships because we are created in the image of the Lord and He has established those relationships. We should be faithful in our relationship with the Lord, but we should also be faithful in our covenant relationships with each other.
Our minds are the battlefield. Our minds can separate us from the relationship with the Lord and our relationships with God’s people. We must always remember the promise God gave to us. “Remember His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (1 Chronicles 16:15).
During difficult times, be faithful to your covenant relationships!